Taylor – One of our K-9 Bedbug Detectors
Chappell’s Pest Control offers experience
Do you have a problem with bedbugs? Is that phrase going through your head…Don’t let the bedbugs bite! Chappell’s Pest Control and our experienced staff can help you with your pest control & bedbug needs.
Chappell’s Pest Control leading the industry in bedbug elimination using certified K-9’s to detect bedbugs. We are the ONLY thermal remediation heat system in the Tri-Cities. Chappell’s is licensed and insured with over 20 years of experience. The process is safe, effective, and guaranteed with no harmful chemicals or dangerous residues left behind.
Chappell’s Pest Control is licensed by Tennessee Department of Agriculture, Virginia Department of Agriculture, South Carolina Department of Agriculture, and the General Services Administration. Member of the World Detection Dog Organization (WDDO) & National Bedbug Association (NBBA).
Chappell’s Pest Control Bedbug Thermal Remediation is a proven method for total elimination of bedbugs and you can rest assure that Chappell’s Pest Control will be there to keep the bedbugs from biting you.